State bar association, see Attorney
State capitol
Capitol offices relocation authority and funding repealed [Sec. 219, 670, 674] -  SB44
Smoking in immediate vicinity of the state capitol: prohibition revised -  AB441
State capitol and executive residence board
Applications for specified licenses, permits, and other approvals: certain agencies required to promulgate rules establishing deadlines for approval or disapproval; failure to meet deadlines and fee refund provisions -  AB486
State courts, Director of
Civil actions: special motion to strike a claim arising from defendant's exercise of right to free speech and to petition the government created; Director of State Courts duty specified and report required -  SB80
Court imposed assessments, surcharges, and restitution payments consolidated in the statutes and renamed surcharges; report and fiscal estimate provisions  - AB421
State debt, see Debt, Public
State employment relations, Office of
DER eliminated; powers and duties transferred to DOA [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  SB44
Nonrepresented state employee compensation plan modifications re health insurance premium credits, earned annual leave, travel and expense reimbursement, and additional paid personal holiday; Office of State Employment Relations provision - AB721
Nonrepresented state employee compensation plan modifications re health insurance premium credits, earned annual leave, travel and expense reimbursement, and additional paid personal holiday; Office of State Employment Relations provision - SB362
State fair park board
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  AB39
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  SB30
State grass, see Symbols, State
State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW), see Historical society
State laboratory of hygiene, see Hygiene laboratory
State land, see Public land
State lottery, see Lottery
State office building
Energy efficiency standards for equipment installed under state construction projects: DOA directed to prescribe and revise; Building Commission and lease provisions  - SB111
Renewable resource usage at state-owned office buildings, educational institutions, and correctional institutions: DOA to establish target, report required - AB977
Renewable resource usage at state-owned office buildings, educational institutions, and correctional institutions: DOA to establish target, report required - SB554
Rental costs incurred by the state: certain supplemental appropriations consolidated [Sec. 672, 673, 675-678; original bill only] -  SB44
Rented office space by the state; management cost supplementation; DOA review and report of state office space utilization; plan for consolidation [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 672m, 9101 (11q), 9130 (1q)] -  SB44
Smoking in building owned or leased by the state prohibited; exception and forfeiture provisions  - SB411
State office buildings in Madison known as ``General Executive Facility" I and II renamed ``The Tommy G. Thompson Building" and ``The Robert M. La Follette, Sr., Building" respectively -  SB438
State officers, see Legislature — Member; Public officers; specific title
State-owned aircraft, see Aviation
State park, see also Forestry
Andrae, Frank Theodore (Terry) and Elsbeth: acknowledging gift of land along Lake Michigan that became Terry Andrae State Park and the park's 75th anniversary  - AJR30
Andrae, Frank Theodore (Terry) and Elsbeth: acknowledging gift of land along Lake Michigan that became Terry Andrae State Park and the park's 75th anniversary  - AR15
Heritage Hill State Park development and maintenance: expenditure requirements do not apply in fiscal year 2003-04 [Sec. 9138 (3)] -  SB44
Vehicle admission receipt re state parks and certain recreational lands: friends groups appointed by DNR may collect and retain a surcharge -  AB479
State printing
State agency publications printing made subject to DOA approval under certain conditions; Internet provisions  - SB297
State government management system and Web site; business intelligence and data warehousing; land information systems; printed publication restrictions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 141f, 215m, 230d-t, 9101 (4k), (14p), 9401 (2k)]  - SB44
State prison, see Prison
State public defender, see Public defender
State registrar, see Vital statistics
State superintendent of public instruction, see also Public instruction, Department of
After-school care program grants: State Superintendent to award to school districts; TANF provision  - SB552
Charter schools: appeal process for denials of petitions to establish or revocation of a contract - SB321
Consecutive terms of office for state constitutional officers and legislators limited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR21
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent duty specified -  AB357
Federal funds use for administrative purposes; State superintendent annual plan required; JCF duties [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1995t] -  SB44
MPCP private school participation requirements re criminal background checks of all employees, employment of persons convicted of certain felonies prohibited, and evidence of financial viability and sound fiscal practices; DPI duties and authority specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, financial viability and sound fiscal practices provisions removed, State Superintendent duties specified, fingerprint provision]  - AB836
MPCP private school participation requirements re criminal background checks of instructional staff, employment of persons convicted of certain felonies prohibited, and evidence of financial viability and sound fiscal practices; DPI and State Superintendent authority specified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, criminal background checks and prohibition on hiring persons convicted of certain felonies removed]  - AB847
MPCP private school participation requirements re criminal background checks of instructional staff, employment of persons convicted of certain felonies prohibited, and evidence of financial viability and sound fiscal practices; DPI and State Superintendent authority specified  - SB363
No Child Left Behind Act: state urged not to appropriate funds to implement that would not otherwise have been expended; DPI and State Superintendent provisions  - SR33
State symbol, see Symbols, State
Rental-purchase agreements: new chapter in the statutes created; certain consumer leases exempt from the consumer act - AB898
Rental-purchase agreements: new chapter in the statutes created; certain consumer leases exempt from the consumer act - SB486
Code of Ethics for Local Public Officials applied to certain members of district boards of a local professional baseball park district and a cultural arts district and definition of ``local government" clarified; statement of economic interests by candidates for joint municipal judgeship required before county clerk may certify candidate's name (remedial legislation)  - SB298
Court imposed assessments, surcharges, and restitution payments consolidated in the statutes and renamed surcharges; report and fiscal estimate provisions  - AB421
DATCP revisions re small claims actions applied to certain forfeiture actions and weather modification (remedial legislation) - AB627
Employment rights of certain employees in the state civil service re DHFS and civilian war emergency employment (remedial legislation) -  AB625
Fingerprint technologies re background check for teacher licensing and name of Wisconsin Association of Nonpublic Schools changed to Wisconsin Council of Religious and Independent Schools (remedial legislation)  - AB640
``Gaming" references in the statutes changed to ``gambling" - AB289
LC director or designee attendance required at certain meetings in which the Commission on Uniform State Laws participates if attendance will benefit operations of LC staff (remedial legislation) -  SB291
Numerical cross-references in the statutes to other parts of the statutes: requirement that the Revisor print the list in each biennial issue of the Wisconsin Statutes eliminated (Revisor's revision bill) -  SB560
Revisor's revision bill - SB557
Revisor's revision bill - SB558
Revisor's revision bill - SB559
Revisor's revision bill - SB561
Revisor's revision bill - SB562
Revisor's revision bill - SB563
Revisor's revision bill - SB564
Revisor's revision bill - SB566
Student financial aid programs administered by HEAB: various changes (remedial legislation) - SB294
U.W. revisions re membership of State Laboratory of Hygiene Board, transfer program at U.W. Medical School, and nonresident tuition exemptions for nonresident veterans (remedial legislation) -  AB686